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Cory kennedy is still cool to me.

I know her blog (which is closed by now) wasn't the smartest one out there and her writing wasn't a pleasure to read. I also know she's only famous for partying, because she has the right connections and that there are many other great and original fashionistas that could have been in her place if they knew the people she knows. After all of that has been said, I have to add that Cory Kennedy still seems to me like an interesting person when it comes to clothing. She has a pretty face, cool hair and style. I can't hate her. I don't usually hate people, I just dislike some attitudes people have.

Cory must be 18 by now and she's more risky than most girls her age. I like her, she seems fun when it comes to getting dressed. Besides, she and probably Agyness Deyn are the only persons I could imagine in the trousers shown below.

Do you like Cory's trousers? Would you ever wear something like that?

18 comentarios:

WendyB dijo...

Those aren't too flattering for her figure.

Trish dijo...

Omg, I will wear that! I love Cory Kennedy! :)

Tru dijo...

i wouldnt wear them but i agree there is something about her that i like

Jimena dijo...

mmm no estoy segura. en realidad, no estoy segura de lo que pienso de cory kennedy.
no tengo ningun tipo de desagrado en particular hacia ella pero esa onda tan excesivamente trashy no es mi estilo.

Flavia Flanders dijo...

haha.. that is totally true.. and i dont see myself wearing that, love them but as a piece of art not good for my body.

Miss Urbanita dijo...
Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.
Miss Urbanita dijo...

Creo que no me veo...

Eyeliah dijo...

Yeah, I enjoyed her blog, have it in my google reader.

Song of Style dijo...

Honestly, Cory Kennedy could wear anything and still look the stylish self she is.
but i would never wear that......well atleast not in public. lol

Irene (capuccinobar) dijo...

es como todoo, a ella le queda bien, pero yo no me lo pondría xD
bueno para un disfraz de pantera rosa...


Unknown dijo...

Yes I would wear something like that! But the rest of the clothes most be "right" too.

Jaime Jun dijo...

i don't think i can pull it off :( but she certainly can! oh and thank you for your sweet comments, i always like your pictures :)

Cate dijo...

Hm, I don't "hate" celebrities either, but I just can't see what's so special about Cory Kennedy. And I'm not sure I like the trousers either. I'd wear some trousers with a psychedelic print, but in different colours (maybe not quite as fluorescent) and with a skinnier cut.

Alyssa Muck dijo...

whatever, i'd wear those pants. i've heard cory's attitude is pretty stuck up, but she still has really interesting taste.

Anónimo dijo...

Cory... bueno, Cory es cory.
yo no creo usar esos "leggings" como pantalones!
no me gusta la idea!
quizas con un vestid blanco arriba lucirian mas halagadores! :)

dirtyflaws dijo...

love them - just not for me

Rebecca dijo...

i don't think i would
a) wouldn't pull them off
b) perhaps not my style
but kudos to her for wearing them, i love her x

jennifer dijo...

Yeah, there's something about her thats just quite cool.