Diary // Me // About // Exits


Harem pants are in.

She's Shenae Grimes and I just learnt her name today. She's one of the stars from the new Beverly Hills, 90210. I don't really watch the show, because it's on TV (sony channel) by the same time Gossip girl is on Warner, but I couldn't not notice this outfit of hers when I saw the pictures on justjared web today. I like it, it's a good example of how to wear harem pants.

Examinations are over, I don't know about my grades yet, but I'm pretty sure everything went ok. I'm not doing much shopping really (1. I'm broke, 2. I told my parents to buy me the R.E.M. tickets as an early christmas gift, so I don't think I'm receiving stuff for christmas, which is okey because that was my decision). It reallyreally sucks not having any money of my own at this time when I need to get my hands on Iron maiden tickets and they're selling so fast (although they're coming next year on 26th march).

12 comentarios:

Alyssa Muck dijo...

oh, these look quite good on her!

Rita dijo...

Me encantan los harem pants, pero no estoy segura de que luzcan bien en mi cuerpo. Espero que hayas salido bien en tus clases! Tienes suerte de haber terminado con los exámenes, yo apenas comienzo mañana, qué estrés!

Por cierto, qué suerte también que tengas Sony y Warner Channel. Son lo mejorrrr! Jajaja, aunque las series vienen de aquí de Estados Unidos, me parece que la selección que aquellos tienen y los horarios en general son muuucho mejor que acá!

Mona dijo...

To be honest, I'm not a big fan of hers but I sure like how she pulled the harem pants look off.

Cate dijo...

Yup, they look good! So do the nude pumps!
I don't have any money right now either, but only because I have been buying too many Christmas presents...

Unknown dijo...

Pants like that are so cute!=) And REM is awesome!=D

Flavia Flanders dijo...

i love Shenae's style.. but i don't know why i keep forgetting her name... is so hard to pronunce and spell.. i just call her Annie... hahaha...

Tru dijo...

lucky that exams are over im currently stuck in exam week

Anónimo dijo...

Love them! Must-have. Kisses ;)

Irene (capuccinobar) dijo...

me encantan, a ella le quedan de maravilla


crystal dijo...

I love Shenae Grimes! She used to be in a show called Degrassi, but she left it for 90210. Anyways, this outfit is so cute!

Nathalia dijo...

I love Harems! they are so comfortable... and look nice on of course!Your blog is really great:)

Jimena dijo...

uhhhh los harem pants.... no se no se!! a veces se los veo a otras chicas y pienso que podria estar ok...

pero apenas me los veo a mi, me convenzo rapidamente de que hay ciertos 'trends' que es mejor dejar pasar.