Diary // Me // About // Exits


My birthday was on Sunday.

My 18th birthday has been my best birthday so far. Here you're considered legal at that age, is that the same in your countries? I've heard in some, you have to be 21 to be considered an adult. Anyway, now I am a citizen :). The barbecue with my family turned out awesome, almost everyone showed up and that meant a lot for me. I wore a dress that used to belong to one of my aunts (I believe it is from the 70s), wish I had a better picture of it to show you, because this one doesn't make it justice. I received many presents, but I'm only posting a picture of the ones my parents/sister gave me the morning of the 11th (a funky wallet, a pair of amazing sandals, Turbopótamos' - peruvian band - second cd and $350). I also received money from another relatives, I think buying my own laptop would be a good investment, but that's just an idea, I'll wait and see what happens.

I'll return comments right away and will be working on a new post for tomorrow! Thanks a lot, guys, for your comments.

36 comentarios:

saray dijo...

Happy Birthday!!
Love the sandals

Mona Herbe dijo...

Hey! Happy Birthday! Ahora a soltarse las trenzas. Ya eres adulta (para la sociedad establecida).

Un abrazo caribe.


Lana dijo...

Happy birthday!

Irene dijo...

Happy birthday! Congratulations! :D

Answer: I think the Australia movie is good! The reviews are not positive, but I mean it's still a very good, romantic and nice movie. ^^

K8 dijo...


yiqin; dijo...

Mmhmm the cake looks delish. Love the sandals too. Happy belated :)

Javiera dijo...

Feliz cumpleaños Aisha!!
que bueno que la hayas pasado bien :)

aca tambien somos mayores de edad a los 18.. a mi me faltan 4 largos años aun ...

ojala estes bien, me gustaron las sandalias.

Annabel Wendt (LoveMore) dijo...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! WOO 18. glad it was a great one for you :) xxx LM

SHIZUKA dijo...

happy birthday!! all the best for this yr :)x

Annie Spandex dijo...

Aw! Hope it was a good one! Looks like it :)

Irene (capuccinobar) dijo...


FELICIDADEEEES!!! jajajajajajaj
lo del link, te juro que lo cambie el otro dia, pero... ha desaparecido!!!!! ahora si, ya esta!!!


brooke dijo...

happy birthday!! i had my 18th recently too. here in australia, its the same - legal at 18. you looked so cute blowing out your candles!!

<3 brooke

muchlove dijo...

Happy birthday! Congrats on becoming a legal citizen :)
In Australia the legal age is also 18, and when I was growing up in Indonesia it was actually 17.

giggleness dijo...

happy birthday!
the sandals look gorg!

Marta dijo...

Feliz cumple!
Se ve que la pasaste bien.
Ese cake se ve rico!

Ella Gregory dijo...

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great day.

Eve dijo...

hola!!just found ur blog
today. i been blog browsing >.<
also trying to get some followers
on my blog "/ -sigh
but anyways i really like ur blog! :D
caught my eye right away and its very pretty =3 & nice to meet you! ^.^=

crystal dijo...

Aww you look so cute in your dress! Sounds and looks fun!

Anónimo dijo...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like you had a great time xo

Edie dijo...

happy birthday!!!!
i loved my 18th!
those sandals are so great. luv luv luv!
check out my blog if you get the chance..its new! much luv!


Rebecca, A Clothes Horse dijo...

Happy birthday! Your dress is adorable. You get some rights at 18 in the United States, but the full adult status comes when you are 21.

Margaux dijo...

Here it's 18 for being an adult. But you can't drink til your 21.

Rita dijo...

18! Yo juraba que yo era menor que tú (tengo 18 también pero los cumplí en agosto), jeje, no sé por qué.

Qué bueno que la hayas pasado tan bien, felicidades!

Song of Style dijo...

wow, that cake looks sooo delicious!
I'm glad u had thebest birthday so far!
Happy belated birthday gorgeous!
You're legal now!

Kati dijo...

Happy birthday my dear!

Zoë dijo...

hope you had a fabulous birthday!!


Míriam Juan-Torres dijo...

HAPPY B-DAY sweetie!
wow, 18, big deal :D
And nice dress.
un besito!

Molly dijo...

happy birthday to you
happy birthday to youuu
happy birthday to aishaaa
happy birthday to you!

:) those sandals are gorgeous!
and yes, your an adult over here in england!


Kristina dijo...

happy b-day:)

Anónimo dijo...

feliz cumpleaños atrasadaso :'(
perdoname T_T

amé tus zapatos :)

Cate dijo...

My birthday is on Monday :D
Yes, here in Germany you have to be 18 to be considered adult too.
Wow, the glimpse of the dress I caught in the picture implies that it is absolutely gorgeous!
Great presents you got!

la petite fashionista dijo...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i wish 18 was of legal age here..

that cake looks delicious!

molly dijo...

cool pictures, happy birthday!

Unknown dijo...

Happyyyyy Birthday girl!=D

Ana dijo...

Feliz Cumpleanos chica!

Imelda dijo...

Happy belated birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderfull time!