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I bought something.

Remember my post on penny loafers, anyone? So guess who found the perfect pair the other day? Yeah, it's me I'm talking about. Duh. They were on sale, for $10 and being the only pair of penny loafers laying lonely in the shop (and shockingly in my size, thing that almost never happens to me as I don't usually get lucky with sizes on sales!), it was meant to be, these beauties' destiny (if you don't believe in that stuff, honestly, me neither, I'm just trying to emphasize my dramatism) was being mine until the end of its days. I've worn them a couple times already, but didn't take pictures. Instead, I made a couple experiments on Polyvore yesterday/today on how I'm planning to wear them for fall/spring (of course that, in real life, the outcome will be in a little cheaper version, Polyvore is full of clothes that I, a 18-year-old student, could never afford by myself).
Knit cardigan
Por aishaa on Polyvore.com


Thanks for the comments on the previous post (which I'll be gladly returning as soon as possible). It was really I post I enjoyed much writing and collecting pictures for. The success the post on hippies had, encourages me to talk more about subcultures, which is a topic I've been exploring and interested in for a long time. Expect more on that, then (;

6 comentarios:

brooke dijo...

very, VERY nice shoes. They are classic but would be so fun to style in a modern way. Can't wait to see them in outfits!

<3 brooke

Kati dijo...

Congrats to your new shoes!

Imelda dijo...

The shoes look great and so cheap!
Lovely Polyvore collages, I love polyvore!

Anónimo dijo...

God, poly... I'm SO addicted ! :D
Yours are fantastic !

Míriam Juan-Torres dijo...

Cute shoes, and I really like the second outfit :D

Unknown dijo...

The Paris sweater and the sunglasses!=) lovely!=D