I went shopping with my mom the other day and here's what i got, but, believe it or not, it's not like she paid for everything =P

I got these black ballerinas, which I love. My other black ballerinas are getting really old and aren't black anymore, they are blu-ish now.

Ohmygod, I have wanted these for sooo long, I have been in love with skaters big sneakers since forever!

Thought this oversized top was cute (:
5 comentarios:
Bonitas adquisiciones!
las ballerinas estan increibles , tiene un aire chanel... estan hermosas..
gracias pro pasar por el blog un slaudo y un besote..
ya estas en mis links...
expero que me pongas en los tuyos.. ;)
nuuu yo no uso sneakers!! no me gusta mucho verme en verdadera dimensi�n! xDD!!!
las ballerinas si estan bravas!!
The flats are very cute!
great flats! they go with your quilted handbag:)
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