Singer, poet & song-writter. She was friends with Andy Warhol, Robert Mapplehorpe's muse, and inspiration for great musicians such as Michael Stipe (R.E.M). First it was her music I was only in love with, but then that love grew more intense. See, I have the habit of collecting pictures of artists (usually musicians). She was wearing all these masculine clothes with such attitude that really really amazed me and it was inevitable to fall in love with the personality she shows trough her style. I mean, the ripped or rolled up jeans, the baggy tees, the lace up boots, the bowler hat, the socks over her trousers, the blazers... isn't she perfect?

14 comentarios:
OMG. Your blog is really cool! I love it!
aww thank you! you're seriously a sweetie, you got me feeling flattered :)oh and by the way this seriously is greaat inspiration!
thanks for the comment :). the book is on sale at amazon for only $23.10! ( compared to the usual $35 at bookstores )
the pictures are wonderful.
Weirdly, she's never had a huge appeal for me. I kind of appreciate her from a great distance.
YES! patti smith! such an inspiration but in a very unique way
Good selection!
You're right. Sometimes I get really obsessed with one person's style - at the moment it's Clémence Poésy - and Patti Smith might just be the next. I love her music too.
You just know they are so artistics. Very cool post.
She is so rocker!
About your last comment on my post: No, my school isn't religious either. There are also atheists or people who have other religions at our school. Just for the Christians there is Religion class, and for the atheists or the ones that have other religions there is Ethics class.
And I bought my shoes at a shopping centre in Prague! I saw similar ones at a shoe shop here in Germany too, they were by a Spanish brand. But my shoes are by a Polish brand.
subes unas fotos mas chulas
I love her face, its really od in a pretty way
i love patti's music
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