You must have noticed by now, that I don't post every fashion editorial that comes out in this blog. Probably because there are already great sites out there that focus on that, but mainly because there is subjectivity in what we all find beautiful, which would make this a blog that shows what's
unique to me. As selfish as it might sound to some, we, bloggers, post on things we like for sure and consider you, as readers,
may like (being that the reason why I grin shyly everytime I read your comments saying you enjoyed a post featured on this site). All the posts I've made on photography show pictures I find amazing (some inspire me more than others, you'll know that because I usually take time to write paragraphs on the ones I like the most). Now, I've come clean about that, I have to say that since I posted on
Sam Hessamian's work, no pictures had left me so blown away until I saw
Viviane Sassen's portfolio. On that time there were pictures from an editorial full of portraits she did for
Foam magazine, called
Flamboya. I was left speechless not only for the beauty of her shots, but because of her thoughts on "otherness" as a way of (gender, ethnic, age, etc.) segregation and adopting the elimination of any kind of discrimination as a imperative.
This is pop shows a chamaleonic artist behind the lense, a woman who can deal with social topics and aesthetics as well. This editorial is about fashion as we've never seen it before, full of eccentric details and styling. Images are coming next (not all, just my favourites, but you can check out the rest of it on the credits in the end), hope you enjoy watching them as much as I did.
Photographer: Viviane Sassen
Model: Kinga Rajzak