Who would say she would end up one day attending chanel parties and posing with Karl Lagerfield? Well, that's Emma watson right now and I decided to post about her, because she has done some smart choices lately, she's not going for safe looks, i feel like she's taking more risks, plus I like her make up (:
Chanel dinner party

13 comentarios:
Lots of black! She looks good wearing Chanel, but just changing subjects..KL looks creepier every day..
I think she looked much better at the show
she looked her age, the jacket was cute!
Oh no no no!
This is just wrong, she's rubbing shoulders with Kate Moss and Karl, but she just looks like shes playing dress up and is trying on her Mum's lipstick.
I just find it a little unnerving!
I can't deny that she looks good, but who wouldn't with the help of a good stylist.
she looks absolutely stunning I can't believe how much she's grown up va va va vooommm!
en las primeras fotos se ve demasiado grande para su edad no?
ademas como que desde la promocion de la ultima pelicula de HP solo vestia de Chanel hasta para ir por el pan...
de cualquier modo ha crecido mucho y se ve bastante madura y sofisticada.
Miss Watson looks good, i have to say.
She very cute. Its going to be unfortunate when Karl throws her away.
I think the red lips on her look perfect too.
im just starting to like her..her style is getting better and better but why does she always wear such serious stuff?i would like to see her wearing smth more colourful maybe playful and without the red lipstick.
she looks beautiful anyhow so you get a bit distracted from what shes wearing!!
maybe though its her style wearing all these mature outfits and she does not do it because some stylist told her to..
She looks older and paler in the first outfit. Especially because of the red lips. But it can be bad lightning too.
But she makes up for that, showing her second outfit. Totally dig it! She could be the British Olsen twins :P.
she looks all grown up
like the choices
me fascina su peinado!
omg she looks so grown up
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