Mischa Barton has her own ups and downs when it comes to fashion. At the beginning of this month, Mischa attended the "Event To Prevent" in new York City. I know she has received very much bad feedback because of her weight and these high-waisted trousers she wore. I get it, the high waisted trend is a hard trend, but in my opinion she pulled it off nicely, besides, hey, not everyone is as skinny as a stick and naturally, the ones who aren't have curves and hips.

17 comentarios:
love the floral dress..n mischa is so not hot!!
hm, i love the floral top mischa wore, but not with the trousers, it looks too much like a jumpsuit, she should have worn different coloured trousers. and i hate that everyone's criticising her weight, she's gorgeous!
When I first saw the outfit I was like; oh noo not again. But now I actually kind of like it. And those pants from topshop are cool!
I don't care for it on her...it's just not flattering.
I totally agree with you. I think Mischa looked fab in that outfit. And her recently acquired curves most definitely helped her pulling it off.
I like it, and you're right many women have curves and hips, and I think Thanks God, because a stick isn't always nice and sexy.
Great tip with the swimsuits and pants, cute idea :D
I love Mischa's style - even when it's bad, it's very very good :-)
I think you are right, after that time that she is out of movies and tv series, she is not so fashion...but sometimes she takes a breath in fashion world! but i still like her ;)
a kiss and a hug,
see you,
I like the look as well. Maybe some slimmer fitting pants would have worked better though.
Those swimsuits are so adorable! I love the blue one! I think the cut is pretty flattering too.
These pants are so pretty! And she looks so springy and fresh.. Although now, after months and months and months wearing jeans and pants, all I want is to wear dresses and skirts as much as it's possible.
She looks a bit like a grandma in that outfit. The top is nice, I think it's just the slouchy cut of the trousers.
(PS I linked you to my fashion blog, hope that's okay)
I love the floral top, but I think the trousers would have been a little bit more flattering tighter.
But hurray for the curves and hips!
para ser honesta, no se porque mischa barton recibiria criticas por su peso.
Hay algo verdaderamente equivocado en una sociedad que critica a una mujer por verse sana. Sobre todo porque en fotos anteriores que había visto suyas se veía algo enferma en su delgadez.
Punto aparte, el pantalon no me encanta. Aun así, celebro que las mujeres se empiecen a ver nuevamente como tales.
Existen todo tipo de cuerpos (tambien las naturalmente muy delgadas), la idea es generar una sociedad que encuentre la belleza inherente a cada uno de ellos.
i was really into dance when I was younger so I have lots of old leotards that I do the same thing with; wear them with jeans on top.
Ohhhh they're soo cute !!
i honestly think that outfit wasn't the most flattering mischa could have wore... but she pulled it of with her cute face;)
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