I have been sick since the weekend, I got a flu. I drank cold Latte and then took my jacket off while walking near the beach, so it's basically my fault. My voice is kind of hoarse at the moment, although I really like it that way, wish it could stay like that forever (not that my real voice is annoying).
I have been wearing a lot of lazy outfits lately, here's what I wore on Monday: my "I love Lima" tee and some cool accesories to cheer the outfit up a little. Yeah, I know it's not like anyone hasn't done that before, but I guess it's okay considering how sick I was feeling that day.

34 comentarios:
I hope you feel better! It seems like a lot of bloggers are getting sick these days... You should really get some rest if you're feeling really bad!
BTW, would you like to do a link exchange with me?
I love the "I LOVE ____" tees!
i gave you a brillante blogger award on my blog :)
Feel better soon!
Que pena saber que has estado sintiendote mal. En serio, pero esta epoca es peligrosa -este es el momento en el que la abuela en mi sale a relucir-, no te desabrigues mucho porque estos cambios de clima son fatales!
Me encanta tu I love Lima, y me encanta que ames tanto Lima, sobre todo porque mis sentimientos hacia nuestra ciudad capital son encontrados y contrapolares.
Sientete mejor, asi nos juntamos pronto? Tendria muchas ganas. Te mando un mensaje privado para que me agregues al msn, dale?
Aw, hope you get better soon(: Remember how it felt like to have the "sexy" voice which is so unlike my own whenever i speak~ Owell. And i love your tee! So cute!
Hope you feel better soon! You still look great though!
Hope you get well soon!! Not nice being sick when you're on school holidays. Your tee is so much fun!
Ah! Me alegra volver a leerte :D
Espero que te sientas mejor pronto!
oh no. get well soon!! the flu is going around like crazy down here in the south as well. urk. drink plenty of water! keep warm. =D
Feel better!
cool jacket
oh no! feel better...maybe you should get those polymer earrings that are shaped like a cup of noodles [u know, to help with the flu]
I hope you get better soon,
a kiss!
love your blog!
would you like to exchange links?
Hope you'll feel better soon! your outfit is very sweet.
Hope you're feeling better. Nice outfit.
i LOVE that scarf. yes!
hate to ask this, but it's kinda crappy when people go on the blog list and visit an abandoned blog... lol; i know i hate it. if you wouldn't mind, could you switch my blog (live.speak.breathe.fashion) to not so prim and proper located at www.kristinPRIM.co.nr?
i know, this is kinda rude/weird, but i would hate for people to visit an abandoned blog.
thanks so much!! if you're interested, i could link you up at my new one. let me know!!
feel better darling!<3
cute!!! xxx
wow you have an awesome blog!!! i hope you get better :) xoxo, lulu
You've been awarded with the Premio 2008. =)
feel better soon!!! i had bangs too and they also grew out!
I would say feel better, but surely you do already. I will say I love your outfit though!
being sick is the worst feel better and take comfort in the fact that from your pictures you dont look sick
dice earrings are fabulous! i have a pair myself (green).
feel better
well i hope you feel better!
come look at my latest posts on my blog!
como es que actualizas tan de vez en cuando?
get well soon- such a cute picture! take care
i just saw the date.. haha.
you better be well.. NOW! blog some more- i miss you
My name is Audrey Rogers. I am style editor for The Durham Sanctuary University Newpaper, I also am a contributor for fashionverbatim.net and have my own blog: www.befrassy.com. I just wanted to say, that I LOVE your blog, its content is truly inspirational and I love the way you present fashion to your blogger audience. Yours has, I must admit, become a must-read for me. Anyway, I was wondering, would you like to exchange links? Personally I would love to reccommend your blog to my readers and would really appreciate it if you did the same for me. So let me know, check me out on www.befrassy.com, for some delicious fashion ramblings and digressions!
xxxx audrey leighton rogers
I like the shirt and the colour of you nails :).
Get wel soon!!
love the leopard print scarf :)
I love penny loafers. It's a great, subtle way to do masculine dressing.
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