"Bat for lashes" is Natasha Khan's band. I've been listening a lot to her lately, the whimsical sound amazes me. But she's not only daring in music terms, but in the way she shows herself to the world: covered in gold jewerly, feathers, sequins and dramatic make-up (all at once). Not being mainstream is pretty much a quality these days and Natasha's not scared to be the eccentric one of the gang, which makes her truly a character.
By the way, just if you're curious about how she sounds: Her songs
Glass &
What's a girl to do are great (make sure you check out the videoclip on
youtube). Also, I highly recommend her Use Somebody (originally by the kings of Leon)
7 comentarios:
Amé la version de Use Somebody!
Habia escuchado de Bat for Lashes pero nunca habia visto a la cantante, tiene un look increible. En algunas fotos tambien tiene un aire a Lily Allen.
She does have nice style. I love her blue dress with the gray wrap and scarf.
I love her, she's georgeous!
I love her style ! And that blue tone... <3
No conozco a Natasha Khan, se parece a Lily Allen no?
i love her.
the music is awesome and her style is absolutly adorable.
Natasha Khan's style is awesome ! I LOVE her song "Daniel" so much, why you don't post it ?
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