I spent it with my family and it was so fun. Here you have some pictures I took. The dress I wore used to belong to one of my aounts, so I guess It's from the 70s or something like that. Oh, and also I got a haircut, it's kinda like a bob but a little longer =). I also did my make-up myself.

19 comentarios:
What a lovely dress that looks real good on you! Like it :).
So as your new haircut, looks good on you too, really!
aw i LOVE the hair. it looks so nice!!
pretty nice, your hair look very stylish.
The retro look of the 70's is so cute.
I love that you wear bright colors and have bare shoulders at New Years. Even in California, it's cold and a bit drab now.
The plaid dress is super cute.
What a cute dress! I love it.
Looks like you had an awesome New Years Eve.
Happy '08!!
I love your make up and hair! They both look amazing!
aw, i do love the haircut. very chic on you.
i finally got a post up!
go check it out :]
You look adorable.
goodness gracious you are beautiful! The last picture is so great
I love your hair! And you did an amazing job on the makeup. Gosh I always enjoy looking at your photos.
i'm just pretty much echoing the other comments here but i like you hair, looks good on you :)
happy new year!
I adore that dress!
feliz año!!
your hair...oh it looks so chic!
have a fab january!
love your make-up :P
happy 2008!!!
OMG you look so good with your hair that way!!!
You look so much older.
And wow just such a cool haircut, it suits you really well!! And that dress is amazing too.
Love the colors.
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