The lovely Cotton-candy from Whimsical Delights tagged me to write down seven facts about me =), which is brilliant as inspiration didn't came out for a new post and this is fun to do.

1. I love cat eyes, but not in Amy Winehouse.

2. I went to a boys and girls private school. We had no uniform and they allowed us to wear everything but skirts, belly shirts (which i loathe, by the way), shorts and jewerly.

3. I have a 13-year-old sister called Ximena, who actually believes I don't love her at all, although I do. You know, teenage angst.

4. I usually put my hands in the air when i dance, just can't help it

5. I borrow clothes from my mom =)

6. I'm short but it doesn't bother me. I'm around 1.60m

7. I love handicraft
The thing is I have to tag seven more people. Thing that i actually don't want to do, because I know some of you have already done this. Anyways, if you haven't, you should totally try it =), it's fun ;) and I'd love to know more about you!
I'll return comments later =), thanks to everyone who commented on my last post =). I really appreciate it.