As some of you might now, Emma watson turned eighteen on 15th this month. She had dinner at "Automat", a restaurant in London, but the pictures have just started to pop out. So here you have some pictures of what the Harry Potter girls wore to the event.

I know it should be all about Emma, but I have to say my favourite this time was Bonnie wright who wore a lovely Miu Miu brocade coat and paired it with tights. Now, Emma's on second place in an all black outfit, she kept it classy, black minidress, black pointy flats and bare-legged. On the other hand, I felt a little disappointed with Katie, I expected something more glamorous from her and she ended looking too casual for the opportunity, wearing footless leggings.

38 comentarios:
Gorgeous coat, but yikes! I can't afford it!!
I really like it how you write.
The dress of Bonnie is absolutely fantastic!
quirky, dress coat..or something like that. what do you think of the fashion on gossip girl?
Lovely coat!!!
the coat is very chic!!
I thought Emma looked really cute until I saw the photos from after her party that allegedly had her flashing her nether region to the paparazzi - never found out if it was fake or not but ew, please, put it away Emma!!
yes, great coat.
Katie's outfit would be perfect for casual appearances.
bonnie looks fabulous !
though is it a bit big for her ?
perhaps it's just the picture ..
Ese princess coat es HERMOSO. Es exactamente el tipo de estilo que adoptaría si tuviese el presupuesto para lograrlo...
Quizá esa es una de mis motivaciones para apurar mis aprendizajes detrás de la maquina de coser. Poder compensar mi falta de presupuesto con creatividad.
(Lindo post como siempre Aisha, suerte en los parciales, que creo que ya se vienen, verdad?)
I love this post! It's cute to see them all celebrating together :) bonnie and emma are so cute! (i like katie too, just not this outfit!)
I love the coat but i am not sure if i would wear it! looks perfect for Kiki Dunst
Emma is stunningly beautiful. ^^
el vestido de bonnie es definitivamente el mejor!!
ah y noté q cambiaste el header, ta super como siempre!!
me alegra q encontraste mi nuevo blog!!
at the risk of sounding bitchy..
emma watson is worth £10 million and she wears that black dress?
something i cannot understand! ha. strange, she's worn some lovely stuff in the past (even if a stylist was involved..) so why not for her 18th?
and i agree, B's Miu Miu get up is fantastic.
lovely dress...way to expensive.
Ooo, that coat is gorgeous. Agreed that she's easily the most fashionable for the night.
Bonnie looks great--we don't usually see her out of the movies but obviously she has some stylish taste!
lovely coat..but so expensive...
wooooow, emma is gorgeous!! she's my favourite, i always like bare-legged. bonnie's coat/dress is fantastic too.
I am all about the girl on the left. The outfit is not much but she looks so chic and sexy. Yeah, Emma disappointed me. LBD? She could've done much better!
It is a beautiful coat. Very girly and pretty. And she is so girly and pretty!
Wow, Emma Watson dressed pretty plain for her own birthday...and her 18th one too! Katie Leung looked really casual, oh well. I do love that coat "ginny" wore
Go Bonnie! That coat suits her fine. And I think Katie's outfit isn't that bad, but she could go for another jacket. That one is a bit to casual.
i really want that Miu miU!
a kiss and a hug,
see you,
The Miu Miu coat is just amazing!
Oh I would give my right arm to have that miu miu dress!
i agree - i like bonnie's look best :)
Yes, Katie seems incredibly underdressed. I like Bonnie's outfit a lot, and I am surprised Emma was so subdued on a landmark birthday like her 18th. Blog's up and running again, finally got my comp. back, thanks for the well-wishes!
There was a WhoWhatWear email about Bonnie a while ago wasn't there? She looked gorgeous anyway, and since then shes become one of my favourite HP Girls. :) x
Katie is understressed. But her casual outfit is a 2 thumbs up for casual days!
I love what Emma's wearing the most. Very chic!
Oh how cute, what stylish ladies they are for their age, that is so inspiring to see :)
Emma Watson is beautiful, I love her. And she as awesome shoes, It's something I've noticed in her pictures.
I've looked through the last post, and man, you have awesome sunglasses :)
Ese vestido es precioso Aisha!!!
Emma's dress is really lovely but you would think she would wear something a little more exciting!
Love the Miu Miu coat and I Love Emmas dress!
Love your header! Is it new? Never noticed it before!
i've tagged you on my blog by the way! check it out if you have time!
The coat is great!!!
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