Hey everyone, I am the worst blogger around, aren't I? I'm really sorry for not posting as much as I used to before classes started. Things here are working fine with a lot of stuff to read, of course. Tomorrow I have two tests, one is Drama and it will be about a Plautu's play called The Brothers Menaechmus, have you read it? if not, I highly recommend it, it's really great. I also will be taking a test on Ferdinand de Saussure's course in General Linguistics, which well, is giving me a little bit of a hard time because it's difficult to understand (probably, because the translation from french to spanish isn't good - it contains a lot of mistakes - or at least that's just my humble opinion).

Moving on to other stories, a friend turned eighteen yesterday, we went to T.G.I. Friday's, I had Garlic chicken & pasta. We took a lot of pictures (and one video) and the staff sang her 'Happy Birthday' with a cajón (kinda like a box drum made of wood) and one of the guys danced with her, oh and of course i made sure I told the waiter (he was so nice) that my friend was turning eighteen so he gave her a drank which we made her drink straight up :) I didn't took any pictures of the complete outfit i wore yesterday, so the pictures below are just of my first attempt with the gold-sparkly tights i posted about a long long long time ago (actually, the pictures are really old, you can notice that because of my swept-side bangs and shorter hair).

Tights: Cheap and chic by Moschino
Cardigan: axxs
Pumps: bata
Ring: gift from an aunt
Of course, I have to thank everyone who reads my blog and comments, I'll be returning comments this weekend and will work on new posts, I want to post everyday but have to work on my schedules and university first, I promise I'm gonna try my best to regularize this situation and organize my time better.
13 comentarios:
Great manicure!
Love the tights!
sick ringgggg girl
Gorgeous ring, lovely fringe, yummy food! :)
I can totally relate to the part about obligations on the university and better time organization...
The last picture is so cute, I love your ring!
ooh uau
i forgive you
nice blog, i really like it!!
you look cute, i love the shint tights and that ring is too special, and trust me you going to miss beeing you as you grow older, it has its pro's and cons, x
love the tights with the skirt (kind of looks like shorts here, which I like). they're very fun!
that food looks soso nice.
wow, you look so pretty !!!
Despite I'm vegetarian the food looks yummy.
Love your ring and manicure.
Omg I LOVE your ring - it's absolutely gorgeous! And you've beautiful hair too....I'm so jealous lol.
i would like to get this ring
i want your flawless beautiful skin :)
you look so cute!
OH well, que le vamos a hacer! Somos gente ocupada! ha!
I really feel you, I know what it's like to having to deal with exams and projects yet be thinking of blogging but not having enough time!
Summer is close! ...kinda
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