Luella happenned to be one of the most applauded collections for Spring 08. The flower prints, the lace up boots... just perfect. But, it wasn't only that, the thing that caught our eyes the most were those thick frammed oversized glasses that until then we thought only grandmothers could pull off. Luella definitely made an statement.

I started wearing glasses two years ago, before I got into University. The amount of reading and the time I spend on the computer (working, making essays, blogging) made my ophthalmologist realize my need of reading glasses (I only wear them when watching tv , reading or when I'm in front of the computer). We're in Summer at the moment, and the climate is hot as hell, so I can't stand wearing too many accesories, having said that, you'll understand better why I just can't keep my hand off my lovely oversized glasses, even when I'm just walking around some mall and I have no need to wear them. I bought the frames last year just after watching the Luella show for less than $4 (US dollars), and got my eyes tested again two weeks ago.
Here you have some inspiration I found around street style sites. Credits to: face hunter, the cobra snake, copenhagen street style

Valentine's day? Well, I don't really mind about it. I had lunch with my dad and sister and I'll probably hang out at my friend's house later, just the usual stuff, you know goofing around, talking and eating maybe (although, i really hope we don't, because I ate a lot on lunch). Valentine's just like another day. I love my friends and I will tell them so everytime I can, not only because it's 14th February, that would be just wrong.
Btw, i got a new camera! a canon powershot Sd-1000, because we lost (ehem, ehem, I) lost the sony cybershot we used to own.
Thanks for the nice comments!
Btw, i got a new camera! a canon powershot Sd-1000, because we lost (ehem, ehem, I) lost the sony cybershot we used to own.
Thanks for the nice comments!
37 comentarios:
You look adorable!
Haha she is my girl crush as well :)
Those glasses look amazing on you! I want some!
I looove this glasses. And I love how they look on you. I've always wanted a pair from American Apparel, but they're never less than $50 and, without a job at the moment, that ain't a possibility :(
How could you get them for $4!!?? I envy you!! Hahaha.
ooh la la, i wonder whether they'll suit me? meanwhile, they look absolutely amazing on you!!!
te ves linda linda con tus lentesitOs!!!!!!
chi que chipi!!
unz unz unz
You look so nice with your glasses :)
It was a surprise for me that oversized glasses were so lovely.
The new blog:
the nerd glasses are so cute and trendy. not to mention cheap if you scour thrift stores for them:) who ever thought an accessory liek that could gain so much popularity!
ooh...haha! I like ;)
wow those glasses are so cool! i have a thing for huge glasses at the moment, although my pick of the ones you put up would be the first girl, with the headphones. liking your blog! x
Aisha, te ves muy cool con los lentes!
Me han encantado todos los looks, son super modernos y estilosos!!!
PD: Los collages realmente tardan un poco, pero ya me acostumbré a hacerlos y creo que me toman como 3 horas jajaa
those glasses are ace !
love 'em.
& your blog :]
I want those geek glasses with the frame squared and slightly slanted. I was a little scared to embrace them but you're made me realize their coolness!
wow! you look SO cool with those glasses! i love the geek look and the luella collection!
im really into the "geek look"
those glasses are great
i loved the luella collection
They look awesome on you!
And i also think what you said is a great idea. Summer really evaporates the idea of wearing much accessories, and those glasses are such a statement that when you're dying of heat you'll look amazing!
i love those kinds of glasses! i hope to wear a pair for my role as a secretary in the 50's in the play im in :)
aw you are so geek chic
You look very nice! I have a pair that I still haven't done anything with yet...
Hey everyone.
I'll be staying at the beach until next Tuesday, and I'm not sure I'll be able to post from there.
I'm working on two posts, I'll publish them when i come back ;)
I really really like this look
I'm wondering how long until Topshop come out with some
those glasses are amazing. i love them.
Now that I need glasses, I want a glasses wardrobe and to have tons of pairs to switch up--one like these would be perfect!
I agree, mysterious characters are so much more interesting. And I also agree stating your opinion is important--I can do it with good friends or in a classroom (almost anonymous setting), it's large crowds and new people that I have trouble around. My mother (gosh, I am such a child!) always points out that saying your opinion (and justifying it) can be a duty, other's might not see things that way and sharing helps expands everyone's minds.
ooo love the geek chick!
lovely glasses :)
great post!!
Im not to keen on the Luella glasses on the models, but i think those look great on you and the other photos you added they also look great.
well glad you had a cool valentines day... just like any other day really for me as well! talk soon :)
I don't need glasses but after readuing you blog I kinda wish that I did.
hey sweety
you look great with the geeky glasses
at first I didn't like the luella collection but it really grew on me!
For once, somebody who actually needs the glasses they wear!
Very Geek Chic, I love it.
i think the glasses look so adorable on you! very geek chic ;)
Nerd glasses are cool! And they look good on you, good buy!
I think you look really good with those glasses on and I absolutely adore your bangs!
I feel the same about Valentine's day. You don't need a special day to tell someone you love them!
Oooh you look cuuute. And great.
And I love love your pictures, great graphics!
All in all this post just makes me go YAY. Haha
nice glasses ^^
i have reading-glasses. <3
ugly betty.. uhhaa :P
you look soo cute!
It can be cute, but it's not really my style. i mean i'm not really in the nerd glasses.
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