I was checking the Alexander Wang site, which by the way is on revamp, and i saw these beautiful pictures that really made me crave some boy clothing items. It's interesting to see how nice styled and cute pictures may change your perspectives a little bit, at least for some items (never for crocs. I just had to make that clear).
The Shorts
First i thought of cutting some of my old jeans, but when i tried them on, they were way too tight on my thighs and that was not how i wanted it to look. Then i showed the pictures to my dad and He inmediately noticed these were obviously man jeans. How fool I am :), I guess I'll look for them and then cut them, oh and i have to make sure they fall a little bit (just like they do on the girl in the picture).

I'll guess I'll just get one in S, because I'm normally an M size in girls/women clothing and then roll the sleeves. I'm so excited.

31 comentarios:
I love the shorts, but they might only be flattering on someone of the super thin variety. But, still a look I'd like to try.
Be sure to report back on how it turns out.
Those shorts are so amazing! And I must agree with you on the thrift shop comment. I see items like these all around but never gave them a second glance.
I love the shorts! They look great, they're so worth a try!
ah, i was obsessing over those shorts last season and was contemplating how to make them myself. I think im going to have to go on a thrifting adventure and find some faded/holy ones that fit around the waist.. i loove them:)
it's such a good look for summer...
but I'm with you "never for crocs".
I love those shorts. I totally couldn't pull off that outfit without looking like a cow, but it totally rocks.
i love those shorts and the blouse. i really think i could find those shorts at a thrift store in like the womens section for pregnant ladies.. and then size it up to fit me@!
Me encantó la camisa y los shorts, la camisa es uno de mis outfits favoritos a lo Annie Hall
i just love men's shirts
they're so sexy!
lovely blog, BTW
I love this sort of relaxed yet cool look on women! LOOOVE IT!!
i love both the shorts and the shirt. i also wear a lot of men's clothing, i have some shirts from my uncle and i have some old cut jeans form my dad, i totally love them...
Hey there! I couldnt help looking at these super pics... Those shorts are simple yet they look so hawt over here. I'm gonna start wearing jeans shorts more often.
omg, i love those shorts!
Those shorts are just sooo cool and I like the way the shirt has been styled
very nice!!!
The shirt with the belt looks so casual chic, I really like it. Who knows I'll try it when it gets warmer here..
re:Oh, you meant Face Hunter?? I thought you had said Cool Hunter;-p
FH is one of my fav street style sites:-)
They look like pieces that are incredibly easy to thrift, too! I really want some men's jeans to turn into high-waist shorts...
This is basically the story of my life.
I want shorts like that and an oversized button down now.
Haha, I agree with you! now i can recycle old jeans. Oh and I love your blog.
care to exchange links?
I really want those shorts in the first picture!!
I need some shorts like that!!!
i love the men's shorts idea! i think i may have to try them for myself as well! tell me how yours come out :)
Great idea for the shorts, I've been looking for slouchy denim shorts for ages, I can't believe I didn't think of that!
that is why i love men shirts!! perfect to roll up sleeves with and tie a belt with and perfectly loose enough. ^^
baggy denim jeans and shorts can look so good on a slim figure. It's kind of hard to pull them off so that it doesn't look too manly - you need a feminine sexy top with them, i think, the contrast will look amazing. Lovely post
Omg, I just discovered a fantastic blog!
Link exchange? :)
those shorts look great but i love the blazer shes wearing so lovely :)
i love the short, but i don't think they'll look good on me. :(
I can't say I agree with you on all your choices. Not very fond of Emma's little dress ...
I love the shirt...I think I'm definitely gunna be making that style my own. Good post.
I love the shorts, but i'm kind of obsessed with myself : i have short legs ! Because i'm 5'2... I think i'm too small and i would love to havve loooooooong legs. so i'm getting bad when i wear shorts, lol. The picture about the shirt is amazing. And i love shirts,sometimes.
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