Yesyesyes. I'll be spending my last 45 days of vacations there. My parents were so amazing to give this gift to me, I can't be any more thankful. I'll be leaving Lima today at 6 pm and will arrive on Saturday 7th. I'm first going to Berlin, then to Paris, then to London, then to Bristol. Of course, some other cities (like Hamburg and Oxford) could be added to the original itinerary, but we'll see. It will be a long trip (I think it'll last like 15 hours), so I'm taking my music player, a book, a piece of paper and a pen. Hopefully, someone charming person will sit next to me and we'll have a cool chat. It's the first time I'll be away from my parents and sister for such a long time, I'm kind of nervous, but excited as the same time. My cousins will be taking good care of me there.
I also wanted to ask your for your help. Since it's my first time there,
I'd love you to recommend me as many places, fairs, concerts, museums, art galleries, malls and various stores as you can! I'm really interested on finding about some indie concerts and of course, shopping. I've heard of Topshop, h&m and UO, but don't know more besides those. Oh and what about the
thrift stores? Do you recommend any? Any help will be much appreciated!
I don't think I'll stop the blogging, I'll try my best to keep you guys updated!
31 comentarios:
Qué suerte tienes!!! Yo mueeero por ir a Europa, pero ya! Espero que te vaya buenísimo, y la pases súper, súper bien, y te encuentres un príncipe europeo con mucho estilo y encanto, aahhh ♥
Awesome! Que bueno por ti! Tienes que mostrarnos fotos! Que la pases muy bien y que tengas un safe trip back & forward!
hola... que chevere que te puedas ir a europa..es un sueño ... yo creo que deberias visitar todas las tiendas vintage,,..jiji
bueno encontre tu blog por medio de "a scenic world" pero la verdad no me acuerdo como encontre ese blog...
te deseo lo mejor en tu viaje...
Qué bien! Pero tambien venir a españa te habria encantado ;)
Wow, how cool! Where will you live there, in hotels?
What a pity you're not coming to Hannover... Oh, I see... Is that why you asked me if I lived in berlin? :)
Great! Europe is really nice :)
Wow, it sounds like an amazing trip, what an awesome gift from your parents:-)
No me jodas Raisa, ¿en serio te vas a Europa?
Jaja disculpa, no puedo conmigo :|. Oie q increíble, en serio! Espero q te diviertas muchíiiiisimo! Ya nos veremos para el regreso de clases :) Cómo fue, tus papás te dijeron de la nada así?!
Disfruta todo lo q puedas :) Q buena experiencia, me alegro demasiado por ti. Cuídate mucho ahí!* Ah y mínimo un regalito de Oxford. Jaja mentira.
I'm so jealous! You're going to have such a fantastic trip. I've never been to Paris and I desperately want to go. Please update us on your journey!
Oh wow, that's such a cool gift! I've never been so I couldn't recommend any places. :\
I gave you an award too!
OH MY GOSH!!!! i am SOOO jealous!!! you lucky thing!
sorry i can't help you out though..i have never been! :(
hope you can get some help from the blogosphere :)
look forward to seeing some pics from your trip dearest!
xxx love LM
I live in Norway, you should come!=D
okay, i'd love to reccomend.
i'll have a think and compile some tomorrow, and send them over :)
Te he dejado algo en mi blog!
Oh i wish I was there right now
have a good time!
AWESOME! have a fun trip and do keep us updated-- I cant recommend anything though-- haha..
LUCKY! You should stop by Holland :D
Cute hairband by the way.
aww. have fun in europe!
i love yoru shirt/dress.:)
Q TAL??? A qué parte de europa vas?? un beso, perdona q no me haya pasado antes pero no he podio actualizar hasta ahora, BESOS y que disfrutes del viaje!!
Increíblemente raro encontrar alguien con estilo/que sepa un buen inglés/y que tenga un banner tan bueno como el tuyo ! aquí en Lima.
Me encantó tu blog, me pasaré siempre. Contáctame en lookbook, amo la ropa vintage (:
Y diviértete bastante en Europa! Compra mucho en thrift shops !
Aisha!!! Que suerte.... que lindo.
Quisiera darte algunos datos interesantes, pero la ultima vez que estuve en Europa fue hace cuatro años y me imagino que las cosas han cambiado ya mucho. Pero si escucho de algo interesante, te mantendré informada DEFINITIVAMENTE.
Por lo pronto... con los museos vas a tener bastante que hacer!
Te mando un beso muy grande, diviertete, crece, aprende. And keep us posted.
how fun! Youll love it!
Pásalo super bien como decimos aquí, visita todo lo que a mi me encantaría visitar, tienes una suerte de pocas!!
por cierto - ya te hice un update in mi blog roll. :)
Ahh Aisha! ojala te vaya excelente! mucha suerte, diviertete y saca millones de fotos :)
<3 xx
Congrats! I love my Europe, you will have a great time here!
I hope you have a blast in Europe. Your blog is so lovely, I really love the hippie style.
would you mind if I linked you on my blog?
<3 the girl.
Oh wow, that is so insanely exciting for you!! You are going to have the most amazing time!!
You will visit Topshop as well! Ahh so envious :)
oh my god that is so exciting. i hope you have an amazing trip, there is so much to experience in europe.
Wowww you're so lucky to be able to go to Europe! =) Have lots of fun there and be sure to take lots of photos and keep your belongings to yourself at all times!
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