White denim
I was doing some research and i found some cool scarves at Urban outfitters. The third one kind of llooks like Balenciaga's style.
The not-so-loved high waisted trousers

Coloured denim

On the pictures:
up - Ashlee Simpson, Fergie & Rihanna
down - Fergie, rachel Bilson & posh
The High Waisted skirt
1. Vacations are over. I went back to college on monday. This would be my second cycle (My career lasts five years, 10 cycles). And professors have already given us a lot of reading to do. I keep going to the library almost everyday.2. I got my braces on Sunday. It actually sucks and hurts so much right now. I can't eat almost anything because i can't chew, so i have to eat smashed potatos and soup. I also have to drink plenty of water (the dentist said so). Hate them but as they said I'm gonna like the results, so i'll just have to wait (at least one and a half year). They look so ugly =/ and I swear I'll never smile again =P haha. Just kidding.... or maybe not =/
That's enough about my life =). Now, let's pass to the cool stuff:
The High waisted skirt trend is getting very popular among the runway, celebrities and I have even seen fashion bloggers rocking them. This is THE skirt of the season and I personally find it pretty cool and it can turn random outfits into elegant and sophisticated ones, still looking feminine.The high waisted trend doesn't look good at everyone I know, but It's considered the most flattering version of this look, and I agree.

Just Bought: lace-up ankle boots

I can't sleep, they said it might happen again between 2-4 am Of Thursday 16th, so yeah.
There weren't too many accidents where I live, Lima. The biggest damages were in Pisco (which is located in Ica, under Lima region). They've already registered over 70 dead people and over 600 injured.
Wide leg trousers

1. If you want to wear wide-legged trousers, make sure you wear tight clothes on your hupper half.
2. You can wear your shirt tucked in for a casual look and blouses for a more sophisticated look
3. Wearing a pair of high heels is the best thing you can do, it would look really ugly with your trousers dragging on the ground, it'd ruin the whole outfit for sure.
We've seen katie Holmes with a new haircut and new wardrobe, and of course including wide leg trousers in it was a must. She has been seen lately wearing them everywhere, she just can't get tired of them.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Warning: The post doesn't contain spoilers
I Bought the book and long while ago, a few days after it was released, but I wanted to finish with re-reading the sixth to catch up with the latest one. I read the first four chapters 4th August and after that actually I didn't get to read any of it until three days ago. As i was busy in the mornings, I would read it at night, since 9pm until my eyes were so tired I couldn't read anymore. That's how I finished reading it today at 6.35pm. I just was too happy and excited about that. Too bad that not many of my friends have read it, you know, the spanish version will come out in Febraury 2008, so yeah, I'm rather glad I managed to read it in its english version (The Bloomsbury's one), otherwise I'd be dying to know about the books and I'd probably be tempted to read some reviews of it online. The end of the story didn't dissapoint me at all, I loved it. It was sooo good.
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you to do so.
I think I'll kind of miss the books, as Jo says "this is the very end". Buuuuuuuuuuuut we still have the movies, with Daniel Radcliffe hottie (:
pd. I will return comments tomorrow and I'll put the linkback to the guys who asked me to trade links ;)
Light purple
I gained a few pounds in Arequipa so I'm going on a diet. I know diets suck, but right now it's necessary.
Jeans: Scombro
High neck top: Unknown
Sweatshirt: Scombro
Handbag: peruvian handicraft
Heart necklace: Bought the materials and a girl made it for me
Shoes: Converse