Warning: The post doesn't contain spoilers
I Bought the book and long while ago, a few days after it was released, but I wanted to finish with re-reading the sixth to catch up with the latest one. I read the first four chapters 4th August and after that actually I didn't get to read any of it until three days ago. As i was busy in the mornings, I would read it at night, since 9pm until my eyes were so tired I couldn't read anymore. That's how I finished reading it today at 6.35pm. I just was too happy and excited about that. Too bad that not many of my friends have read it, you know, the spanish version will come out in Febraury 2008, so yeah, I'm rather glad I managed to read it in its english version (The Bloomsbury's one), otherwise I'd be dying to know about the books and I'd probably be tempted to read some reviews of it online. The end of the story didn't dissapoint me at all, I loved it. It was sooo good.
If you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend you to do so.
I think I'll kind of miss the books, as Jo says "this is the very end". Buuuuuuuuuuuut we still have the movies, with Daniel Radcliffe hottie (:
pd. I will return comments tomorrow and I'll put the linkback to the guys who asked me to trade links ;)
4 comentarios:
yupp!! it's fab!!!!
yeah i got the book overnighted to me (i was at camp) and i loved it! but now i am reading another book and i keep on getting so bored with it because it is not nearly as good or as fast paced as hp was... and it's so sad that it is over and there aren't going to be any more books! :-(
i just started reading it - and i got it the day it came out lol
im such a horrible harry potter fan :P
I read the book .It´s amazing and horrible too.
I hope that you like it!
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