Billy Kidd is a talented photographer from Arizona, now living in New York. His work is incredibly versatile and checking out his portfolio is a delight to the eyes. I had a hard time choosing the pictures I'd use for this post because they're all pretty good. Actually I could have posted his whole work, but I didn't since I want you to check his site. His last Beauty shots feauture model Shelby Truax (isn't she pretty?, I love her freckles) and he was very kind to send me these beautiful shots of her that haven't been published yet on his blog. Be sure to check out his geometric beauty (you can check the editorial on La'g magazine too) and conceptual shots (very remarkable as not many artists are willing to experiment with their work in that way). Also, he's pretty good with motion shots. I reckon we'll see more of his work in the future and I have no complaints on that at all.
9 comentarios:
Wow, wow, wow, la primera foto :O Quiero que alguien tome una foto así de mí jajajaja. Voy a ver su portafolio ahora mismo :D
Fotos chulas!
hey! yeah sure totally, i'll swap links
i'm liking the look of your blog!
Wow, I don't know why I keep staring at these, but I can't seem to look away.
Oh yeah, I've heard of him before. These are beautiful!
Wow, gorgeous photos!
Awesome expressions... wow ! I love first and last especially !
que buen blog que tienes aca.
que pena no haberlo visto antes.
tendre que leerlo todo para ponerme al dia. te seguire de ahora en adelante.
buenas vibras
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