Hey Everyone, this adorable seeker tagged me on a meme called "8 things" which seems pretty fun to do and as I have some spare time now I'll answer it. I went out for dinner today with my mom and sister to my favourite Café, just the three of us, it was hilarious, we talked a lot and also walked a lot after eating so much, ha.

Shorts: Lounge
Flip flops: Rip curl
Bag: Handicraft (arequipa)
Fedora: do it!
Belt: Some little store downtown
Jewerly: indian bangles, the rings used to belong to mom
8 Things I Am Passionate About
1. My family
2. Development Communication
3. Watching fashion shows
4. Rock and roll, soul & indie music
5. Graphic designing
6. Reading
7. Writing
8. Kids (cutest things ever)
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die (in no particular order)
1. Open an Orphanage here
2. Do paragliding
3. Go to three buffet restaurants in one day (for breakfeast, lunch and dinner) and eat as much as I can
4. Visit as much countries as it's possible
5. I always say i don't want to but... getting married and having my own kids sounds pretty cool to me :)
6. Learn German, French and Portuguese
7. Learn to cook
8. Say (and believe) I've helped others to have a better, healthier and happier life
8 Things I Say Often
1. "I feel hungry" (like every two hours)
2. "Paja" (it's like saying "cool" here)
3. "Thanks"
4. "Is it 9pm already? gossip girrrrrrrrrl"
5. "Can I have the remote control now?" (to my sister)
6. "Man, i want to work"
7. "Papi, did you buy watermelon for me?" (to dad)
8. "That song is SO good" ('buenasa' in peruvian teenage slang)
8 Books I Have Read Lately
1. "The Tunnel" - Ernesto Sábato
2. "The bad girl" - Mario Vargas Llosa
3. "La cuarta espada" - Santiago Roncagliolo
4. "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" - J.K. Rowling
5. "Al final de la calle" - Oscar Malca (I'm reading it at the moment, does it count?)
Besides those, all I remember reading last year is loads and loads of articles, summaries, notes and various chapters of many books for uni. Believe me. I'm sorry =L
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over
1. "Hey Jude" - The beatles
2. "Light my fire" - The doors
3. "Hit the road, jack" - Ray charles
4. "Don't know why" - Norah Jones
5. "Rape me" - Nirvana
6. "Anyone else but you" - The moldy peaches
7. "Brianstorm" - Arctic Monkeys
8. "You know I'm no good" - Amy winehouse
8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. Reliability
2. Honesty
3. Social conscience
4. The way they threat others
5. Smartness
6. Good sense of humour
7. They speak their minds
8. They accept me just the way I am
Now, It's time for tagging others, I dunno if you guys will have time to do this but I will be looking forward to read your answers. Here you have the lucky (or not) ones:
1. Romeika (a room of one's own)
2. Stevie (Discotheque confusion)
3. Key (La bruja del cuento)
4. Bojana (Power rangers go)
5. Jennifer (Mahalo fashion)
6. Lauren (La petite fashionista)
7. Iñaki (So VIP zone)
8. Lml (Modern marie)
1. My family
2. Development Communication
3. Watching fashion shows
4. Rock and roll, soul & indie music
5. Graphic designing
6. Reading
7. Writing
8. Kids (cutest things ever)
8 Things I Want to Do Before I Die (in no particular order)
1. Open an Orphanage here
2. Do paragliding
3. Go to three buffet restaurants in one day (for breakfeast, lunch and dinner) and eat as much as I can
4. Visit as much countries as it's possible
5. I always say i don't want to but... getting married and having my own kids sounds pretty cool to me :)
6. Learn German, French and Portuguese
7. Learn to cook
8. Say (and believe) I've helped others to have a better, healthier and happier life
8 Things I Say Often
1. "I feel hungry" (like every two hours)
2. "Paja" (it's like saying "cool" here)
3. "Thanks"
4. "Is it 9pm already? gossip girrrrrrrrrl"
5. "Can I have the remote control now?" (to my sister)
6. "Man, i want to work"
7. "Papi, did you buy watermelon for me?" (to dad)
8. "That song is SO good" ('buenasa' in peruvian teenage slang)
8 Books I Have Read Lately
1. "The Tunnel" - Ernesto Sábato
2. "The bad girl" - Mario Vargas Llosa
3. "La cuarta espada" - Santiago Roncagliolo
4. "Harry Potter and the deathly hallows" - J.K. Rowling
5. "Al final de la calle" - Oscar Malca (I'm reading it at the moment, does it count?)
Besides those, all I remember reading last year is loads and loads of articles, summaries, notes and various chapters of many books for uni. Believe me. I'm sorry =L
8 Songs I Could Listen to Over and Over
1. "Hey Jude" - The beatles
2. "Light my fire" - The doors
3. "Hit the road, jack" - Ray charles
4. "Don't know why" - Norah Jones
5. "Rape me" - Nirvana
6. "Anyone else but you" - The moldy peaches
7. "Brianstorm" - Arctic Monkeys
8. "You know I'm no good" - Amy winehouse
8 Things That Attract Me to My Best Friends
1. Reliability
2. Honesty
3. Social conscience
4. The way they threat others
5. Smartness
6. Good sense of humour
7. They speak their minds
8. They accept me just the way I am
Now, It's time for tagging others, I dunno if you guys will have time to do this but I will be looking forward to read your answers. Here you have the lucky (or not) ones:
1. Romeika (a room of one's own)
2. Stevie (Discotheque confusion)
3. Key (La bruja del cuento)
4. Bojana (Power rangers go)
5. Jennifer (Mahalo fashion)
6. Lauren (La petite fashionista)
7. Iñaki (So VIP zone)
8. Lml (Modern marie)
18 comentarios:
muxhas gracias por la nominacion... mañana tratare de hacerlo.
Tus respuesta tambien fueron muy interesantes :D
un beso
Wow I hope you do open an orphanage, that is such a great thing to want to do!
love your photos! and great answers, very creative!
I loved to know more about you.
I think this meme is so cool.
You would like to learn portuguese...
Queres começar já? ;)
I love your pictures.
Have a nice weekend... here it's raining :(
I'm def going to do one of these very neat!
You look oh so cute in that white fedora!
OMG, that's a lot to answer hehehehe I'll see what I can do, not sure if I'll be able to answer all of these..but your answers were so cool and fun to read..:)
Very beautiful wish, to open an orphanage..And oh, what you're wearing, I miss warmth, like just hanging in shorts and flip-flops..:) and so cool you wanna learn portuguese;-)
lovve the "bangs" or fringe as we brits call it.
very interesting read; just shows people with an interest in fashion aren't superficial..ie the orphanage!
Loved your answers. I love Brianstorm by Arctic Monkeys too.
cute bangs!
and i commend you for the orphanage :)
this is sooo cool! i love all your answers! thanks for tagging me i will def do it :D
i love her jewels ! ethnic is cool
eeek. i need to fix my bangs, they're similar to yours .. except wavy and all over the place.
Good lists, good answers. I'm always saying I'm hungry!
You have such cute hair!
and in regard to the Emma Watson comment, its just that Sommerfield is a bargain supermarket in the UK, everything in there is very cheap, but not very nice. Which is funny as she's a teenage millionaire yet still shop there (sure watching her pennies...) ^_^
hey you, this is so cool I will do it on my next post!!
que pelo mas lindo el tuyo!!!! tu estilo es un amor =)
i love your belt!!
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