I received some money for my Birthday I decided to save until it was time to do some shopping. And as this was my last week of vacations (I've been in vacations since December last year) any shopping I wished to make had to be on this week, classes at uni start tomorrow (I start my third semester, still have 7 more to go, it's cool though, I missed uni already, three months of vacations is quite a lot for anyone I guess) and I don't think I'll have as much time in my hands to do some shopping. Well, the point is I went shopping with my mom (my favourite person in the world to shop with) and here you have some of my buys.
Going basic
I got basic short-sleeved tees in white and grey in a size bigger. They are perfect for dressing quickly and they allow me to go crazy on the jewelry/accesorizing. I swear they make things so much easier. I've just realized I look like a pregnant woman in the second picture wearing the grey tee, ha.

Remember my wishlist? Well, now there are only three outerwear pieces left ;). I actually wanted a longer vest, but this gray one will do ok.

The shirt
On my post on Alexandr's Wang S/S 2008 collection I mentioned how interested I was in getting my own shirt, so here you have it, it's white long sleeved (so i can roll them) one and as much as you said, it was very easy to find, they were like millions out there, but I specially liked this, it's long and the chest pocket is ok also, plus it's cotton made, so it won't make me sweat.

Denim Dress
It was the closest thing to an impulse. My mother saw it first and when she showed it to me I was 90% sure I wanted to get it. Dunno what else to say, I guess I'll figure how to wear this in the next weeks.
I didn't exactly bought this. I wanted one, my mother had one she didn't want so she told me i could hand it down. Yay for saving money ;)

20 comentarios:
I love your white shirt, everyone needs one just like that and your heart pendant is too cute.
You don't look like a pregnant woman in that tee! It's looks good on you, and love the color of the lipstick you are wearing!
Ah, I so wanna shop too!
i'm not so into the menswear-becoming-womenswear trend, but to each his own =) i love gray v-necks though.
and gossip girl is still in its first season, but it was off the air for a while due to the writers strike. so you're not too far behind, which is good. haha.
Love the red lips and every girl needs a good white shirt! Sometimes simple is best when it comes to clothes, something i never like to admit!
los basico son de lo mas dificil de encontrar, o los encuentras y no te ajustan a la medida...
yo todavia ando a la caza de muchos de ellos jeje
oie tu vestido de mexclilla ahh!!! to die for! que divino! yo quiero uno!
ya conteste el meme, checalo!
un beso
Basics are great to pair with other trendy pieces.
Actually a white shirt is a must, I really like yours.
I think that feminine/masculine look can be so sexy...
Also your vest is great.
Like your pendant.
The basics look great and love the colorful jewelry in the pictures below. Love the vest especially. I keep looking at them but haven't gotten the courage yet to try one on.
I just discovered your blog and i find it great !
even if i don't understand everything i feel how passionate and pro you are
I just quitted the press industry to create 3 months ago a blog that shows Paris through street style and fashion week photo romances. It's a new way for me to humanize fashion.
I hope you'll like as much as people already like it.
As i need feed back from all over countries and culture to improve my work, I'll be glad to have your opinion and why not share links to share our work and because i am sure that you share my vision : fashion is for sheep, whereas style gives personality !
For street style photo romances translated in english, clic the "in english" section
ps : if you need some of my photos, I'll be pleased to help you.
and if you like my work, i'll be glad to exchange links
Best regards
street style romancer in Paris
i wish i could wear more basics.. i always feel too plain & like i need to wear something more eye-catching, but i think its fun to accessorize with something plain:)
Sweet zebra bag, I love that print.
Muy bonita! Lol, that's the best I can do with EIGHT years of beginner's Spanish. Hahaha...failure. But anyway, I have been trying to get to basics myself, and I love yours! I just wish I had an animal print bag, but all the ones I find look so trashy. The accessories are fah-bulous, dah-ling!
Lovely buys! I love the zebra bag alot.
Those are very nice basics.
Muy buena compra, yo tengo unas cuantas camisetas blancas de algodon y es lo que me acabo poniendo casi siempre... jejeje
Un beso!
You got some really cool basics, I love the waistcoat and the denim dress:)
tu camisa gris está muy chula... oye, he stado ojeando tus "old posts", con q programa haces tu los montajes?¿?
un beso!
I also like tees very much, so for me it's always a good buying. The zebra bag is very stylish :)
That grey tee is just so so pretty
I know it is strange but I am very passionate about a good grey t-shirt
it is always good to wear something simple well than something exciting in an average way
my fav. here are the white shirt and the waistcoat... the zebra purse is so cool too!
a kiss and a hug,
thanks a lot for posting me!
I really think you did a great job selecting those pieces! And I'm in love with the zebra bag, it's the perfect von Furstemberg touch to any simple spring outfit!
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