Today has been one of those days. I woke up pretty early (5.30 am) to attend my German class, which starts at 7 am. Then had lunch and came back home. I thought I could take a nap before leaving for my 7 pm class session, but decided to read my e-mail first. For my surprise, I had one new message and it said I had to go to uni at 5 pm because I had a message over there, so my little nap would have to take place on another time. Grabbed my harem trousers (which i'm addicted to now) and a long red cardigan and took the bus (actually it wasn't a bus, it was more like a
van, we use those here for transportation). Arrived to uni and took the stupid letter, then met with some friends and decided to go for some yoghurt (I have a thing for dairy products). Then came back to the campus and met another people and talked until it was 7 pm. Then I runned to my classroom and guess what? The lector never came. Class session was cancelled. I was happy in a way because I would come home earlier (usually class is dismissed at 10 pm), but also annoyed because I waited two hours for it to start! Argh. Actually, this is what my life is like lately, waking up early and going to bed late have became very usual, yet not very pleasant for my body. The amount of work and reading is outrageous now. I wish I could sleep more and then, when I'm not tired anymore go out for a good chat and some drinks all dressed in pretty clothes just like those girls who appear on
And yeah, this was one of those personal posts bloggers have to do once in a while in order to reedem themselves.
6 comentarios:
Nunca veo las fotos en cobrasnake, pero estas me gustan... y entiendo tu situación pefectamente, yo ando en las mismas... Ya necesito que se acaben las clases!!! Sólo una semana más y soy libre al fin :D
i'm dying to try a pair of harem pants! i haven't seen any in stores by me. great party girl inspiration!:)
Nice photos!
i want to do my hair like that i n the first pic!
i love thecobrasnake.
ese man esta pirado.
Love the Cobra's muse with the violet print...
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