I should post about Balmain's fall collection because is hot, but instead I'm posting the spring collection, dear people, because it was very trend-setting. Christophe Decarnin made women lust over bleached denim and that's quite an accomplishment after the years of rejection it suffered. That's how fashion works, you can hate one item one day and love it the next day after watching such a kick-ass runway show. Also, noticed the Michael Jackson resemblance in the jacket, anyone? I wonder if this could be the comeback of military jackets (in its all glammed up version of course).
7 comentarios:
i love glammed up military jackets and would be so glad of their reappearance in daily wear. I've been looking for one for ages, but alas cannot find one I can afford :(
I think the trend of bleached jeans and military jackets will stay for a very long time since everyone's in love with Balmain now.xxoxoxoxoxo
as you can see by my name, i love balmain. esepcially this collection.
They look so great!
I agree ! THIS was the inspiring collection.
Last one was -for me- catastrophical: commercial, and totally lacked of spirit.
Cuando vi por primera vez esas chaquetas, lo reconozco, no fue mucha la atracción que sentí... pero después de un tiempo, viendolas en distintas partes, han llegado a encantarme... además esas sandalias son taan.. no se :P
saludos (:
I'm in love with the third one :)
lovely blog ny the way !!
a très bientot !
Boubou xx
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