Her show The City is full of well put together outfits and has become my only reason to watch MTV. I actually like Whitney, she's not an airhead like most socialites. Also, she was smart enough to stay out of the silly drama going on on the Hills. Other than her laid-back personality, I also find her sense of style very inspiring and I don't think I'm being partial when I say that.

4 comentarios:
I seriously love the outfit with the gold sparkle jacket, it's amazing :)
i think whitney is FARRR more fashion forward than LC .. why isnt she the one with a clothing line?!
q buen blog
de moda
bueno las ballerinas the beatles
estan 120 soles
porque son edicion limitada.
tengo poca tela.
pero las ballerinas normalmente estan 80 soles:)
nos vemos
te agrego al blog
I love the purple mini dress!
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